Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I've always been pretty comfortable with my legs and feet. Even when I was carrying some extra weight, my legs had a tendency to stay thin, and I've always had small ankles and thin feet. No longer. Maybe it is twins - or triplets - and I'm carrying them in my feet. Added bonus - what a difference ten weeks makes. Pics at 24 weeks and 34 weeks (today) below.

24 Weeks

34 weeks


Laura Payette said...

Love the pics! Even if you don't love your ankles, your toes look cute! That's gotta count for something. :-)

Brandy G said...

Isn't it amazing the capacity our skin has to stretch. Until I did it, I had no clue it was possible. I feel your pain on the cankles. I don't think I was able to distinguish my ankle bones the entire last trimester.

christy w said...

I saw your link off of facebook. You look good. Not too much longer and trust me it is worth it. Delivery isn't bad either (with an epidural):)
Christy Wendel