Monday, December 1, 2008

Feeling Loved

31 years and 2 days old. It was a great weekend. We started Thanksgiving on Thursday with G's family and spent the afternoon at his Aunt's house. Friday we drove up to Stillwater and had Thanksgiving 2.0 with my family. Then, Saturday, Thanksgiving III at the Clausings. Even though the Pokes lost, we had a fantastic time.

I got lots of goodies for my b-day, including a really neat wine carrier, a cute purse, a recipe book, a restaurant gift card, my favorite perfume, and some baby things.

Garett is taking me to the Nutcracker at Bass Hall on Saturday, and also bought me a nightgown (yes, I'm apparently a 60 yr old in a 31 yr old body, but they're soooooooooo comfortable!) and surprised me on monday with flowers and a teddy bear. :)

We also went out to eat hibachi, and despite my steak aversion, the filet sounded so good, I decided to try a bit. Didn't work out so well... I couldn't swallow it and had to excuse myself from the table. So. Yeah. I guess that aversion is still going.

Other than that, not much baby to report. I think I felt it moving last night, but it may have just been wishful thinking. Next ultrasound is in two weeks. 156 days to go!

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