Sunday, May 17, 2009

9 oz in 7 days

Things continue to look up. Nursing just wasn't working for us, so I've started exclusively pumping during the day so we can still give Campbell breast milk, and then doing formula at night so I don't have to pump at 4 a.m. Added bonus - we can now monitor exactly how much her intake is, which makes me feel a lot better with her initial slow/no weight gain. And, when we went in for her weight check on Friday, she was up to 8 lbs. 4 oz. Yay!!

She's still a very sleepy baby - I told the doc we were waking her every three hours to eat during the day, and he said since her intake is measurable now we no longer have to do that. Yay!! again. She's doing pretty well at night - she tricked us last night after her 8 p.m. feeding. We assumed she'd be up again b/f 11, so we stayed up, too. Wrong. At midnight, we gave up and went to bed, and at 12:30 she promptly woke up. Sigh - should have gone to bed earlier ourselves! After that, she slept through to 4:30 and then again to 8:30, so that wasn't so bad. She's back down again now, so I'm off to run some errands while Dad looks after her.

My folks headed back home yesterday, and I will sorely miss them this week. Not only were they a huge help with Campbell, it was so nice just to have someone here in the house with me during the days. I'm so glad Garett works from home on Wednesdays to help break up the week...

I'm off to the store, then we're going to take Campbell for a walk. Good times!!!

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