Friday, October 24, 2008

Rough Start, but Looking Up

My new bedtime this week has been 9 p.m., but I'm still waking up every four hours to use the bathroom, so even with going to bed at 9, I'm still exhausted every morning. I had the hardest time getting up today. I knew I didn't have any meetings, so I just reset the alarm and laid there for another half hour. I never got back to sleep, but just being able to stay in bed that much longer helped a little. I woke up pretty congested, and after I got up was coughing so hard I triggered by gag reflex... I wasn't able to eat much last night, though, so all I chucked up was phlegm and bile. (sorry, probably tmi) Anyway, I ended up only about 45 mins late to work, and my boss is really understanding, so at least I've got that going for me. And, it's Friday. Hooray! Here's keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get that mythical 'energy surge' in the second trimester...

195 days to go.

1 comment:

Christine said...

The energy surge will come - I promise. We went to D.C. when I was around 8-10 weeks and I thought I was going to die. I was so exhausted. 2nd Tri is the "Happy Trimester" because you feel great.