But also 11 months...
She can creep along any piece of furniture, and even let go and stand for a few seconds as long as she doesn't realize what she's done. She's eating small, chopped up fruits and veggies, but still prefers pureed meals. Puffs and Cheerios, though, are her absolute faves. We're going to finish up the formula we have in the cabinet, then it's on to whole milk. She's pretty good with a sippy cup and is down to two or three bottles a day, so I'm hopeful for that transition as well.
She only needs a paci when she goes down at night, which is usually between 6:30 and 7 p.m. Last night was open house at her school, and we visited the toddler room to see what's in store for her next. Once she can walk, use a sippy, eat table food and is on whole milk, she'll move up - so probably only another couple of months. We really liked what we saw. They do daily art projects, teach the kids to use spoons, teach baby sign language (oh yeah - Campbell can also sign eat!), help teach the kids to clean up their toys, have daily outside play time (weather permitting), and have a 2 hour daily scheduled nap. I'm very excited about that last thing, since right now in the infant room, Campbell is only getting one 30-minute nap a day. The doc said she really needs at least an hour, and I'm hoping once she gets more structure around nap times, she'll be able to stay up and hang out with us a little later in the evening.
She's very aware of what no means, she just doesn't really care all that much. :) The other day, she started crawling over to Garett's X-Box games, shaking her head no, no, no as she went, but it didn't slow her down at all.
Swim lessons are still going great. She can go under water and propel herself forward for five seconds. We add a second each week (she's missed a few lesson because of conflicts), but I'm not sure to what point. It's amazing to me that she's already so comfortable in the water.
Her b-day theme is Hello Kitty, and I'm hoping to make/decorate the cake myself, so fingers crossed that it will turn out... The other big to-do on my list: a 'first-year' picture album. I'm cheap, so I don't want to download anything I have to pay for, but none of the free online software is letting me do all I want, so right now I'm building each page in Photoshop, then planning on uploading them to mpix.com to order a photobook from there. Each page has taken at least 1/2 an hour, and I only have five pages done, and the book right now is looking to be about 50 pages... so yeah, I really need to get to work on that.
It's been an amazing 11 months, and I'm so excited about the year ahead of us!
1 comment:
A year already?!?! What a big girl! She looks stunningly beautiful just like mommy!!
xoxo Heidi
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