She's still crawling all over the place and cruising like a champ. She can even let go for about one second before losing her balance and falling on her booty. She's a tough nut - when she bumps her head or knocks something on top of herself, she just shakes it off and keeps on truckin'. She's loving swim lessons and is going underwater for 2 seconds at a time. Or a little bit more, when mommy messes up and pulls her in at the same time she's jumping and she accidentally ends up doing a flip... Definitely think it scared me more than it scared her, though.
Bath time is also still a favorite. This video is a little old - she's in the big bath tub now, but it's so cute I just have to post it. The froggy works great as a bath thermometer, but it makes an even more excellent paci...
We haven't made much progress on solid foods, partly because she's decided she needs a 6 p.m. bedtime. We went ahead and started sending her dinner to daycare. That way when we don't get home until 5:30 or so, it's not quite as much of a frenzy to get her ready for bed. She's kind of picky about the Gerber 3rd foods, so for the most part we're still sticking to the 2nd foods, with a few Cheerios and Puffs mixed in.
The 9-month photo shoot turned out great. I think G had fun with his new camera, and baby girl should really be supporting both of us soon with all the money she'll be making from modeling... :)
In my completely unbiased attention, she's about the cutest little girl I've ever seen.
She's beautiful!!
I can't believe she's gotten so big already!!
Oh, she's gorgeous! Garett did a great job with the pictures! Of course, with such a beautiful target, he couldn't really go wrong, could he?
Love the bath video and the new photos! You're going to have to teach me how to post videos to YouTube and then insert them in my blog. Good thing I have tech savvy friends like you!
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