I started back to work on Monday, and it was hard to leave Campbell at day care, though I think I shed more tears last Friday, looking at her and holding her and thinking about how I wouldn't be able to do that during the week anymore. I wasn't planning on going with Garett to actually drop her off because I thought it would be too hard, but we decided it would better for us both to be there in case there were any questions, and so we'd both know the drill. I did pretty well, only getting weepy after we actually left the room and looked back and she was on the other side of the glass windows.
Luckily, I've gone back to a job that I really like and a great team of co-workers. They even decorated my cube, complete with a pretend-Campbell, so I wouldn't be lonely. I've been easing back in this week; the woman who was covering for me while I was on leave is still here for one more week, so the transition is going really smoothly.
It's hard to believe, but Campbell was 12 weeks yesterday. She's not officially 3 months until the 23rd, so we're waiting until next week to have her 3 month pictures taken. She's doing really well with her eating and sleeping, taking between 25 and 29 ounces a day in six bottles (usually four oz. bottles, with an extra ounce thrown in here and there). She goes down between 9 pm and 10 pm, and generally sleeps through to the 5 a.m. hour. I wish I was more of a morning person so I could get up, feed her, and actually start my day with a workout or walk or something, but usually I get up, feed and change her, and go back to bed for an hour or so.
Her physical therapist said she's showing improvement in her range of motion - she can look all the way over her left shoulder now. We still need some more work on pulling her right ear down to her right shoulder, so we'll keep up the stretches. Because of the plagiocephaly, it's very likely that Campbell will need to wear a cranial band for a few months. We have an appointment at Star Cranial in Addison in a few weeks so they can assess her need.
She's a wonderful baby - only cries when she's hungry or super tired, rarely even gets fussy in the evening. She goes right down at bedtime, and puts herself back to sleep when she wakes up in the night (I can hear her talking to herself on the monitor, but she never even cries before falling back asleep). She's beautiful, and precious, and everything we could hope for in a baby girl. Hopefully I'll get the last couple of things up in her nursery this weekend so I can post pics of her pretty room!
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