Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cutest. Baby. Eh-vur.

We took Campbell in for her three month portraits yesterday and took a few family shots as well. She got a little sleepy, but overall was very cooperative, and we ended up with some fantastic pictures.

She's doing really well - I want to brag on her sleeping through the night, but I'm so afraid I'm going to jinx it! She usually goes down between eight and nine, then we get her back up around 10:30 to squeeze a couple more ounces in to her, and she goes right back down without a fuss and sleeps until some time between six and seven.
Her physical therapy is going well, too. She still has about a 20 degree tilt, though, so we're going to need to keep it up a few more weeks.

We're sailing right along! It's so hard to believe she's already three months old. I was looking at these photos compared to the ones we took at Father's Day when she was about six weeks, and it's amazing how much she's changed already. She's so much more aware and alert, and is already developing her own little personality. She smiles, laughs, coos, and she definitely recognizes her mommy and daddy. We made up this poster to hang on the wall by her crib at daycare so she won't be lonely during the day - we need a picture of her with her Grandpa Alan!

I'll leave you with this. I call it, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."


Tori said...

I love that last picture. SO cute! Can't wait to meet her.

Unknown said...

TOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! She's just precious!