That's from Campbell's 6-month photos. So sad that I'm just now posting these, and she's already seven months! That milestone was met with a little less fanfare...
That sheet says "I'm seven months old today!", but Campbell was much more interested in eating it than showing it to the camera. Eating is one of the things she does really, really well. G took her in for a weight check on Monday, and she tipped the scales at 18 lbs. 11.2 oz. She's taking a fruit and 1/4 cup cereal in the morning, a veggie and 1/4 cup cereal in the afternoon, and we just started doing dinner this week - some days she's in to it, some days she's not. All that, plus four or five 6-oz. bottles, depending on the day.
She babbles a lot, and we're pretty sure she's associated Dada with Garett, even though she's not been too consistent with it. We're starting baby sign language, and I'm really excited about her being able to communicate what she wants with us in more ways besides just crying. Not that she cries all that often - really, still only when she's tired, hungry or bored. She's pretty much past her short bout of separation anxiety, which is a relief. The worst part was bedtime, but she's back to going down with hardly a fuss. Tonight, for instance, we put her down around 7 p.m., she talked and sang to herself for about 15 minutes, then fell asleep all on her own.
She's still very much Daddy's girl. I usually give her the first bottle of the day, then take her in to our room. As soon as she see Garett, she lights up. Also, looks like she's going to take after his early passion for computers.
I don't know how we got so lucky, but I truly am thankful for such a beautiful, healthy, joyful, inquisitive, intelligent, special baby girl.
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