And, her updated height/weight info.... drum roll please...
26.5" and 17.05 lbs - 80th percentile for both.
We also noticed yesterday that her first tooth has come through - and we didn't even realize she was full on teething! She's always been a bit of a drooler, and she never got especially fussy, so it came without incident. So hoping the rest of teething goes so easily. I Facebooked that it was her lower left, but it was actually her lower right. You'd think by now I could tell the difference.
We also went and prettied up her DOC Band, thanks to the good folks at 36o Wraps. The owner will be setting up a foundation soon to help offset the cost of the wraps, which he does for free, so if you have some extra money to throw at charity, consider throwing some their way.
We wanted to do the Dallas Stars logo in pink and white, but the guy has to worry about copyright/use problems, so we went with this flower instead.
Look ma - sitting all on my own!
Big fan of the Glo-Worm.
Don't mess with me. Seriously. Don't. Unless it involves getting my belly, in that case, mess away.
G won tickets to the World Series, so we'll be leaving Campbell in the capable hands of my parents next week. I've become a Yankees fan, in hopes that we'll be visiting New York. And when we get back - Halloween and TCU Homecoming. Campbell was going to be a monkey, but the costume we bought is too big (6 - 18 months should not be a size) so I'm working on something else - that's a little teaser for the next update. :)
Even though it was completely floppy, it's still super cute, so I thought I'd share what she would have looked like as a monkey (and this may be a preview for next year if she doesn't outgrow it!)
Yes, yes I'm adorable...
and precious...
but deep inside I'm plotting to take you all over with my cuteness.
Oh, and for the record, she's now eating solids twice a day - fruit in morning, sometimes with cereal, sometimes without, and a veggie in the afternoon - and taking four 7 oz. bottles, plus another 5 or so oz. at bedtime. And, I must just say again, she is a dream baby. She's so good at amusing herself, but also loves getting hugs and kisses. I can already tell she's going to be a daddy's girl - she keys in on G whenever he's around, and saves her biggest smiles and laughs for him. :)
1 comment:
OMG, what a cutie! I love her costume... her helmet.... those eyes! :) I'll have to check in on your little one - cute blog! :)
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