It's been a busy couple of weeks for Miss Campbell Leigh! We went up and visited Grandma and Grandpa Campbell and went swimming, which she seemed to really like.
Last Friday we went and had her four-month well check and vaccinations, which she did not really like. She was fussy for a couple of days after the shots, but she's getting back to normal now. Progress report: 13 lbs, 15.5 oz and 25" long (50th percentile for weight and 75th - 90th percentile for height).
She showed good improvement at her physical therapy appointment yesterday, so we've scaled back to every-other-week visits, as long as she continues to improve - gotta keep those stretches up at home! The doc showed us a couple of new ones we could do and we're also supposed to work more on getting her to look left while she's on her belly.
We had her assessment for the DOC band yesterday as well. We didn't feel nearly as good coming out of that - they seemed to really being giving the hard sell. Like, if you don't get the band, her ears will be misaligned so she's going to get run over when she's riding her tricycle b/c she won't hear the car coming; her eyes won't be aligned so she won't be able to see straight; her teeth will come in wrong, so she'll have problems chewing, which will lead to digestive issues. Basically if we don't get the band, we're The Worst Parents in The World. They sent the measurements off to our insurance, so the next step is to see if she's approved or not. We kind of felt like they were setting us up in case we were denied we'd feel like we didn't have a choice and would have to pay out of pocket.
Anyway, we'll deal with that when we have to. In the mean time, she's precious, and we love her more every day. How could you not love that face?
1 comment:
Who needs a band when you're THAT cute?!? ;)
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