Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Plum Worn Out

Baby girl is wearing us out. She sleeps fine during the day - too fine - we still have to wake her up to feed her every three ours or so - and sometimes it's just hopeless. We strip her down, take a cold washcloth to the head, hands, body, thump the bottom of her feet so hard she cries out - followed immediately by a return to sleep. Nursing her is seriously like giving her a sedative.

Except at night. When she decides it's time to be up. And be fussy. Sometimes for hours. And, is it possible for a newborn to be afraid of the dark? Because she'll sleep the day away in front of a window (indirect sunlight to help bring the jaundice down), or in the living room with the TV blaring. But, come nighttime, if we turn off the lamp b/f she's completely asleep - waa, waa, waa!!!

We ran her by the doc again today for a quick weight check, and she's only up 1/2 oz. :( As hard as we're trying to keep her nursing and give extra ounces of formula, I was really hoping she'd be up more. I've started taking Fenugreek in hopes that she'll be getting enough just from nursing and we can stop with the formula supplements soon... But, even with my worries about her eating and her weight, the one indication that she's getting enough nourishment that's holding strong - she's a pee and poop machine. She easily hits 8 dirty diapers, plus four to five wet diapers, every day. And, every time we go to change her, she gives us just a *little bit* extra while she's nekkid. Sigh.

We did newborn pics today, and they didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped. She was a little fussy, and didn't like us moving her into different positions. And we really wanted some cute nekkid pictures, but given her proclivity to going potty while diaperless, I was pretty nervous about them. Rightly so, it turns out - she ended up peeing on Garett, peeing all over a blanket and pooing on the outside of her diaper while I was taking it off, and peeing all over another blanket and in the photographer's bowl. We kept warning the photographer it was going to happen, but she wanted to give it a shot... It was a two-hour ordeal, but hopefully we ended up with come cute shots. We'll have proofs in a couple of weeks, which means birth announcements are going to take longer than I'd hoped, unless I just go ahead and do them with a photo we take, which I'm thinking about doing.

Speaking of, more pics soon - just don't have the energy to upload them to Flickr right now...


Emily Melson said...

What matters is that she is going up and not down and the peeing and pooping is a HUGE sign as you know. I just wanted to share something that some peds don't mention. Breastfed babies simply gain slower than formula fed babies. They should not be judged on the same formula based growth charts that most peds use. We had the same "problem" with Jack (when really is wasn't a problem) and I was relieved to find info on this. Here is one link, but you can look for more if you want. http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/growth/growthcharts.html Even the WHO has a seperate growth chart for breastfed babies. Either way...GOOD FOR YOU for sticking with the breastfeeding!! It is tough for sure, but SOOO worth it! I can't wait to see some of your newborn pics! I would have loved to have done them, but I a made the right call as I am in no shape to do that now. Good luck! HUGS! Emily

Unknown said...

I have to admit, I giggled at all the pee and poo during the photo session (yes, I know paybacks will be, well, you know...). BUT on the sleeping thing - I know it's tough, but she will eventually get her days and nights straightened out. You just might have a night owl on your hands. :) Keep up the good work!