Thursday, April 9, 2009

I love baby clothes

One of the last items still on my list to pick up was a going home outfit. Well, technically, two going home outfits - one boy, one girl, since we (obviously) don't know if Baby T is a he or a she. I'd been kind of holding off, waiting to see at this last ultrasound if Baby T was going to be pushing 10 lbs upon arrival. After the doc confirmed we should be having an 'average' size baby, I felt a little more comfortable selecting newborn outfits, rather than jumping straight to three months...

So, last night, we made a Target run and picked up these two super-cute pieces.
For Baby Boy T (with navy blue pants):

For Baby Girl T (sooooooo cute!!!!!):


Tori said...

You need to have a girl because that outfit is just too cute!

Unknown said...

Thos are both adorable outfits! Can't wait to see which one gets used! :)