**Visual approximation - not actually Baby T, or our car seat, or our car**
So, in our Lexus IS300, we can make the car seat fit, as long as no one (or at least no one with legs) wants to sit in the front passenger seat. And, the stroller does fit in the trunk - as long as I don't also want to place one other single thing back there. Sigh. We did some shopping yesterday to see about going ahead and biting the bullet and finding something that will work better, but the problem is since we've only had the Lexus a year, and since it's a 2002 with over 75,000 miles, its trade-in value is less than half of what we owe on it. And, with the debt snowball, if we can wait just one year, it will be completely paid off. So, the plan now is to go ahead and make due, and if it is just impossible after Baby T comes, see what happens then.
Sigh. 107 days to go.
I know exactly what you mean! We bought the Acura thinking it would be a great family car, but the rear-facing car seat barely fit. It fit best in the center seat because the front seats didn't have to be pushed up as far. It was still tight though. Once the baby is in a forward-facing seat (after they are 1), then it's no problem.
Yeah, that's tough. We love our Accord, and it's actually pretty roomy for a sedan, but when we've had car trips (with luggage) it's been a challenge to fit everything. No idea what we're going to do when #2 arrives in May, but we've also got the debt snowball going (yeah Dave Ramsey) so we won't be getting anything new anytime soon.
Fortunately, because we already had Nonnie before Paige was born I knew that we would HAVE to have an SUV in order to fit 1) baby 2) doggie 3) stroller 4) luggage if were were going to be making any road trips to places like, oh, Stillwater. Otherwise, I probably would have ended up with the Bimmer I wanted instead of the Family Truckster. ;)
Hence why we ended up purchasing our new (used) SUV. The car seat worked in the Sentra in the middle seat and that way both seats didn't have to be pushed up as far but it was definitely tight. The stroller took up the entire trunk. It'll work for at least a year so don't stress it. I feel your pain though!
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