Yep, it's a baby! The sonogram yesterday confirmed at least that much... 12 weeks down, 198 days to go (assuming an accurate due date of May 7, 2009). They also did the
Nuchal Translucency screening, which helps determine the likelihood of the baby having Down's Syndrome. They couldn't give a yay or nay - the measurements are sent off and run through a formula, combined with my personal info and blood work, to determine a percentage chance. The tech said it looked pretty good, though, b/c the baby had a nasal bone, and apparently down's babies don't.

G and I have decided (well, maybe I decided and G agreed not to disagree) that we don't want to find out the gender. There are so few true surprises in life, I think it's much more exciting to wait and find out when the baby is born. Hence, the Baby T(BA).
Still struggling a little bit with the nauseau and the fatigue, but I'm hoping that in the next couple of weeks that will ease up as I move into the second trimester. *fingers crossed*
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