Like this:
Or this (sorry for the dark video. We were trying to keep the lights low to encourage her to settle down for bedtime. ha.):
In addition to crawling and clapping, Campbell is starting to "cruise". She can walk her way down a piece of furniture, but is seldom brave enough to let go of one as she makes her way to another without first getting all the way down.
We had a rough couple of weeks where she decided sleeping was for the weak and refused to go down at bedtime, then refused to go back down when she woke up during the night. G had the magic touch and often ended up being the one who finally got her settled down. This last week, though, she's pretty much returned to normal. The key at this point is making sure she's truly ready for bed - if she's not wound all the way down, there's no hope.
She'll be nine months on Saturday and G got a fancy new camera, so we're planning on taking our own 'milestone' shots this time around, then taking it back to the pro (Emily Melson) for one-year pics. One-year. How is that already even a consideration?!
Stat update: Campbell was an even 19 lbs. at her 8-month weight check. She's eating three meals a day - one jar (fruit) and cereal mid-morning, one jar (veggie) and cereal around lunchtime, and one or two jars with a protein included at dinner. She started Cheerios a couple of weeks ago and is now a pro. We've tried cooked carrots one time, and if I wasn't so lazy, we'd probably have started a few other finger foods, too. We bought her kiwi, mango, broccoli, more carrots and a couple other fruits that I can't think of just now this weekend, so hopefully soon I'll have a chance to try and broaden her horizons even further.
All in all, I continue to be amazed at how blessed we are to have such a laid back, happy, beautiful little girl.