Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here Comes Trouble

It's been a big week for baby girl. We picked her up in OKC after a birthday party for my nephew Hudson on Sunday then swung by our friends Vicki and Jason's on the way home for the BCS Bowl Announcement. (Go Frogs!)

While there, Campbell decided it was about time to learn to crawl already. Now, there's no stopping her. (Pay no attention to me making bowl trip plans in the background.)

All that crawling must have done something to her immune system, because she also had her first official illness (assuming you don't count the jaundice at birth) this week. A yucky virus that causes throat ulcers. She was running a 102 fever after day care on Monday. We already had a doc appt. scheduled because she has some dry skin we were concerned about (eczema) and they diagnosed the virus as well. We had to keep her out of day care for a few days - not a huge deal since G's mom watches her two days a week anyway. The doc had warned us we might have to syringe fluids if Campbell wouldn't eat, but the virus hardly slowed her down at all. We gave Tylenol to control the fever and today it was gone completely. Yay!

And also BIG news this week - she's done with her DOC Band. Woo Hoo!!! At her first appointment, they measure her asymmetry as 10 mm. At this last one, it was 2.6 - better than 97% of the population. We have one more session of physical therapy scheduled, and hopefully that will be the end of that as well. What a relief!