Campbell wasn't such a big fan of the rice cereal, but she did much better on sweet potatoes. G videotaped both adventures, presented here for your viewing enjoyment:
Rice cereal attempt (pretty much an exercise in futility):
First taste of sweet potatoes (yum!):
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Five Months?!?!
Baby girl turned five months old today. We ran to the doc for a weight check and she clocked in at 15 lbs., 13 oz. She's taking five 8 oz. bottles a day, plus a veggie once a day. Our challenge now is keeping her in a dry diaper at night; she sleeps up to 12 hours, and the diaper just isn't holding out that long. Thank goodness for waterproof crib liners. We picked up some Pampers Baby Dry tonight, but the smallest size is for 16 lbs., so hopefully they'll be tight enough.
We pick up her DOC Band on Monday and will start easing her into it on Tuesday. By next Saturday, she'll be in it 23 hours a day. Don't know how that's going to work with her Halloween costume, but we'll figure something out.
In other news, Garett won free tickets to the World Series, so at the end of this month we'll be taking a little three-day vacation to where ever Game 1 ends up being played at - I'm suddenly a Yankees fan...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Full Weekend
This was our first full weekend at home in a long time, and it was quite a chore keeping baby girl entertained inside our four walls. We had planned on taking her to the Dallas Heart Walk on Saturday, but the weather wasn't very baby-friendly. She's had a cough for a few days, and we didn't want to risk dragging her out in the rain, so G took care of her for a few hours while I walked the 5k.
When I got back, he'd exhausted every weapon in the arsenal - exersaucer, tummy time, baby swing, baby standing, bumpo, boppy, baby flying... We spent the rest of the day watching the OSU Cowboys lose and the TCU Horned Frogs win, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc., etc. I also made some marginal chili (won't be picking up that mix again) and some pretty good peach cobbler.
We tried starting rice cereal on a spoon, but it was pretty much a fail. She didn't really swallow anything, and wasn't the least bit interested.
Sunday Campbell let us sleep in 'til 8!! Then, we ran to the mall and the Target so we could show off her Dallas Cowboy's outfit to the world and stopped by G's folks house for a short visit. Then, home again for some more football. We tried again with the rice cereal, but she just kept pushing the spoon out with her tongue. We're going to give it another shot next weekend.
So, nothing too very exciting, but some nice, quality family time!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Trial and Error
This will probably be interesting to no one but me, but as a matter of record, I thought I'd go ahead and put it down. That way, when Baby T2 makes his/her debut, I won't have to struggle so hard to remember Campbell's milestones.
At 4.5 months, she's sleeping through the night; going down between 7 and 8 p.m., waking a few times just to let us know she's still there and wants her paci, and up and ready to eat between 6 and 7 a.m. She's been taking 6 oz. consistently, so today I upped her to 7 per bottle and 2 tsp. of rice cereal in each. I did 1 tsp. of cereal for a couple of days, but I don't think it was quite enough.
The tsp. makes the formula a little too thick for the fast flow nipples, though, and Drop-Ins don't have a Y-cut nipple, so I trimmed them myself, and may have gone a little overboard... She shotgunned her bottle this morning - 7 oz. in about 5 minutes - the gave a good portion of it back, projectile style. That one only had 1.5 tsp of rice, so I added another .5 tsp to the others, and took some un-modified nipples to day care as well in case it was still flowing too fast. She can get it threw the regular nipples, it's just a lot of work.
If you've read this far, you're either family or extremely bored. :)
At 4.5 months, she's sleeping through the night; going down between 7 and 8 p.m., waking a few times just to let us know she's still there and wants her paci, and up and ready to eat between 6 and 7 a.m. She's been taking 6 oz. consistently, so today I upped her to 7 per bottle and 2 tsp. of rice cereal in each. I did 1 tsp. of cereal for a couple of days, but I don't think it was quite enough.
The tsp. makes the formula a little too thick for the fast flow nipples, though, and Drop-Ins don't have a Y-cut nipple, so I trimmed them myself, and may have gone a little overboard... She shotgunned her bottle this morning - 7 oz. in about 5 minutes - the gave a good portion of it back, projectile style. That one only had 1.5 tsp of rice, so I added another .5 tsp to the others, and took some un-modified nipples to day care as well in case it was still flowing too fast. She can get it threw the regular nipples, it's just a lot of work.
If you've read this far, you're either family or extremely bored. :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Choosing Thomas
I can only imagine the strength of this family and can't even begin to imagine the pain and loss they suffered.
Have a tissue handy...

Watch the video on Dallas Morning News.
*credit to Chirky since I saw this on her blog and borrowed her image*
Have a tissue handy...
Watch the video on Dallas Morning News.
*credit to Chirky since I saw this on her blog and borrowed her image*
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