Thursday, June 18, 2009

On the Money

Not shots!!

At 10 lbs, 4 oz., 22.5" long, with a head circumference of 39 cm, Campbell is exactly at the 50th percentile for all three measurements. The doc was very pleased to see that she'd moved from the 25th percentile in weight (as were we!).

She took her shots like a champ - cried as she got them, was just fine on the way home, got a little fussy in the evening, but was calmed right down when I laid her on my chest and let her sleep there, and when she woke up again for her bath and bedtime, she was right as rain. Here's hoping that stays true when she wakes up for her middle of the night feeding - she didn't sleep through the night last night, and I'm kind of hoping she doesn't tonight, b/c I'll feel better after her shots if I know she's OK...

One thing that did come up at the visit - we've kind of noticed the back right side of her head looks a little flatter than the rest. The doc agreed, and even pointed out b/c of the misshapen back, her forehead is actually starting to misshape as well - the distance from her hairline to eyebrow is greater one side than the other. He tried to turn her head from side to side and said because she favors turning her head one direction so much that the muscle on the other side has actually tightened, a condition know as torticollis. He referred us to a physical therapist, who will give us exercises to help loosen the muscle. We're also supposed to turn her head whenever she's asleep so she's facing left, and to position her swing, bouncy seat, etc. so she always has to turn left to look at us. Hopefully that will help fix the problem and prevent any facial asymmetry.

Mom and Dad are coming down tomorrow to watch her for the weekend so G and I can celebrate on anniversary. I'll miss baby girl, but I'm also looking forward to a weekend alone with my hubby. :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

8 Weeks Tomorrow

I know I've been slacking lately, but now that Campbell's not sleeping 20 hours a day, she's even more high maintenance. :) If you're just here for new photos, check out the Flickr photostream. (scroll down for most recent pics.)

Really, she's a very, very good baby. She got a little out of sorts on our road trip to and from Oklahoma, but bounced back quickly. Since I last posted, she's also met Garett's co-workers and my own. Ann, Campbell's "Grand-boss", got her the most adorable bow. It may still be a little big right now, but expect to see her in it often...

She had a little growth spurt last week, and as opposed to being a nightmare, it was a joy - she slept twice as much as usual for two days, and is solidly eating 3 or more ounces at every feeding. As a matter of fact, she took 5.5 oz. last night b/f bed time and then - wait for it - SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! She went down about 10:30 and didn't get up until 6 this morning. Then, she went back down around 8 and slept 'til 9, so I even got an extra little nap. Fingers crossed that she repeats the performance tonight.

In other news, she is now strictly formula fed. I weaned from the pump last week, and I think it's going to make for a much happier mommy. I made the decision with really mixed emotions. On the one hand, I felt really guilty, since the major reason I decided to wean was selfish - it was just too much work. On the other hand, I'm just happy I made it seven weeks, and I know she'll be getting all the nutrients she really needs from formula. And, it makes our days much more productive. Since I'm no longer feeding her, changing her, pumping, and cleaning all the parts every couple of hours, we're not tied down to the house. We've taken advantage of that fact and done quite a bit of running around the past couple of days. It's also nice, since she's so much more alert now, that I can just feed her, then we can play, and I don't have to worry about being strapped up for 20+ minutes before I can attend to her.

Baby girl gets her first shots tomorrow, and expect another update soon with her weight and height - I can't wait to find out how much she's grown!