Monday, March 30, 2009

The End is Near

Third non-stress test today, and apparently I 'passed' again. I still don't really know what that means, as they never told me the pass/fail scale, but I guess it's good that I haven't had to worry about it. Doc didn't seem too concerned about my blood pressure, but said we do need to keep an eye on it and some other factors, or I may yet be put on bed rest. He also said he'll be surprised if I go to full term, and Baby T will more than likely make his/her arrival in the last couple of weeks of April.

Other than that, I am just worn out and my allergies went in to hyperdrive yesterday, so I'm planning on taking it very, very easy this week. Oh, also - I was hoping to go up to OK one last time this weekend, but doc vetoed that. Pooh. :(

38 days left to term, so probably less!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I've always been pretty comfortable with my legs and feet. Even when I was carrying some extra weight, my legs had a tendency to stay thin, and I've always had small ankles and thin feet. No longer. Maybe it is twins - or triplets - and I'm carrying them in my feet. Added bonus - what a difference ten weeks makes. Pics at 24 weeks and 34 weeks (today) below.

24 Weeks

34 weeks

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pity, party of 1

This has been a hellacious week. I started having bad gas cramping on Sunday night, then woke up Monday to extreme unpleasantness - couldn't keep anything in my stomach. I thought it was just repercussions from over indulging at the Melting Pot on Saturday night, but when I was still feeling awful on Tuesday, I decided it had to be more than that. I called the doc. and one of his nurses prescribed some anti-nausea meds. They helped a little, but on Wednesday the thought of eating was still completely off putting. Yesterday wasn't much better, but I was able to keep down some soup and toast (up that point all I'd attempted was applesauce and crackers, in moderation). I'm really lucky that I have the ability to work from home so I didn't have to take PTO for the whole week. I'm back in the office today, but probably going to duck out a little early b/c I still don't feel 100%. On the plus side, I don't think I've had a fever all day, and I've successfully eaten some applesauce, a granola bar, and some grapes and cottage cheese.

The other big bummer about being sick was we had to miss our childbirth class, and this was the session with the hospital tour, which means we'll have to try and schedule a tour at a separate time.

The non-stress test on Monday went fine - Baby T passed with no problems - even though he/she got the hiccups halfway through, which I was worried would interfer with the movement measurements. I go back on Monday again and doc wants to run another non-stress.

Monday, March 9, 2009

4 lbs., 9 oz.

Just got done with my 32 week sono. Everything's looking good - and big. Baby T is already an overachiever, weighing in at approx. 4 lbs., 9 oz - in the 80th percentile. Doc advised that there is a margin of error, so he/she could be only 4 lbs, or could actually already be 5 lbs. Yikes. They did some bio-something-or-other screenings, Baby T got an 8/8, so everything is looking healthy. Also, I'm measuring about a week ahead of my due date. So, now I get to start going back every week so they can monitor baby's growth. We may have an April baby after all!

I'll also be getting a non-stress test at my next appt., just to make sure everything's going OK in there.

They handed us a couple of pictures from the sono, but they're really not even worth posting. Baby T is either very shy or very stubborn. It's really a good thing we don't want to know the gender, b/c there was no displaying of the business. And, we couldn't even get a picture of the face, as he/she kept his/her head buried the entire time. So, we ended up with a photo of the back of the head and the bottom of a foot. Glad we didn't spring for the 4-D ultrasound!

59 days to go (or less!)