Isn't he a cutie?!?! His name is Charlie. The idea was to get a new friend for Okie to play with, but so far Okie isn't so interested in the playing, as much as the hissing and the avoiding. Oh, well - it took him a few days to get used to Sampson, too, so we're hopeful. We found out there is an FIV vaccine, so we were able to adopt Charlie even though he's FIV negative. But, a kitten has to be 9 weeks to get the shot, and Charlie is only about six. So, in the mean time, we're keeping them separated whenever we're not around to monitor...
My sleep is still really crummy. I took a nap yesterday, which turned out to be a mistake, b/c I couldn't sleep at all last night. Sigh. Last doc visit was uneventful - blood pressure was good, weight gain is on track, baby's heart beat was strong. Next visit is the big sono where they look at all the anatomy. Still holding out for the gender surprise at birth, so that visit will likely be fairly uneventful as well - but, new sono pics!! :)
164 days to go.